Reasons to have a revocable living trust instead of a will include:
Administration of your estate is much less expensive than probating a will.
It is usually quicker to administer a trust rather than probating an estate via the court system.
It is entirely private. There is no public record of your assets or the identities of your beneficiaries. ...
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Unsent text message qualifies as a holographic will in Australia.
According to Yahoo News the Australian Supreme Court recently held that an unsent text message giving his house and pension to his brother rather than to his wife and son qualified as a will. The word "will" was in the text and the man died shortly after the text message was written.
The deceased was experiencing problems in his marriage at the time of his death. The wife, however, was able to elect against the estate and obtain some money.
Don't rely on a unsent text message to dispose of your property. A will or trust is much more reliable. ...
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Newly Redesigned Medicare Cards
The newly redesigned medicaid cards will not have a Social Security number on them. This will supposedly cut down on fraud. ...
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